How to write the perfect subject line for your email

So you have created the perfect email campaign to send out to your subscribers to promote a new product, special offers, or your new website. You have just the right amount of content within your email, you have attached links directing customers to your website or blog, you have included Social Media links so that they can share your content with their friends and you have also added eye-catching images to make the email look appealing.

Perfect subject line for your email

Perfect subject line for your email

Now… you are stuck on what to put as the email subject line. This opening line of your email needs to catch your audience’s attention, it will determine whether the reader will open the email or delete it, never to be seen again.

So what makes a good opening line?

An average working profession receives more than 100 emails a day in their inbox, so how can you make your email stand out from the others? We have put together some hints and tips on how to create a subject line that will get your email noticed.

Ask Questions – We have found out that if you ask questions on Facebook these posts generate more interaction then any other post. This also works in an email, so don’t be afraid to ask a question in your subject line, i.e. want to find out more about our forthcoming events? What is your dream holiday destination?

Capital Letters – Don’t be afraid to use capital letters or exclamation marks, especially if you have something very important to say, i.e. 10% OFF TODAY ONLY!

Try not to be too “salesy” – Don’t make your subject line too salesy and promotional as people can get fed up with seeing too much of this and they will lose interest.

Make your subject line relevant to the content – Do not promote something in the subject line that only gets mentioned in the very last paragraph of the email. The main feature in your email should be the main objective of your subject line.

Know your audience – Think about who your audience is, will they respond more to a line that contains the word FREE? or will they respond more to a sentence that prompts them to do something or asks them something?

Keep it short – Studies have shown that longer subject lines have lower open rates than those that were shorter, try to keep the subject line between 28-39 characters.

If you want to know more about email marketing and how we create beautiful email marketing campaigns for you please call us on 01502 712800.