Prospectus Design For Schools

A school prospectus is important for any school wanting to show students what they can achieve. Parents will want to know everything a school, college or university has to offer their children. Without a prospectus you open yourself up to a lot of questions which could easily be answered within a single document.

University Prospectus

When applying for a university, students will need to know if the course they want to do is offered. A school prospectus can offer a lot of information for students and parents, along with times, ethos and which courses are available.

College Prospectus

After finishing high school, students will want to pick what course they want to do next (with a little nudge from their parents). Without being able to easily see all of the courses, times and how to apply for a course, students could end up going else where for their course. In the past we have made sure to include all of the important information a student will require to go from looking to applying.

High School Prospectus

High schools will generally include things like, their teaching ethos, values and their overall aim for students. It is important for families to be confident that their childen are getting the right education. This confidence can be established from the very start of their education with a detailed school prospectus.

Our Previous Work – School Prospectus

Sprowston Community High School & 6th Form

Sprowston Community High School is a specialist Arts College based in Norwich. The focus of the school is on raising achievement and aspiration and on serving the community, providing education of the highest quality to all.